Project Description


Technique/Media Used
Hard Pastels

Date Created

17″ x 23″

About the Piece

Ho’omana’o Kaua’i addresses the local issue of climate change while highlighting the age and vastness of the islands. The piece depicts the Nāpali Coast, the oldest mountain range on the main islands. Whilst creating this piece, Kaua’i suffered from historic rainfall that resulted in the shutdown of the area. Because no visitors were allowed in the years following, the land was able to heal from its mistreatment. This served as a reminder that human maltreatment of nature is strengthening natural disasters, which will lead to the disappearance of sacred sites, like this one. Nonetheless, we can still change this fate.

About the Artist

I’m Berkana, a 20-year-old artist from Kahalu’u, Oahu. I am currently studying Environmental Science & Policy, Peace Studies, and Art at Chapman University. Using my knowledge of these topics, I seek to promote social change through artwork, as it has the potential to stimulate increased emotion in the viewer. I am always open to learning something new, so I am willing to work with all mediums. Nonetheless, painting is my favorite artistic medium, particularly in the form of murals. In the future, I hope to continue to spread my art throughout the community and invoke enough thought so that people have the opportunity to self-reflect.